Monday, February 22, 2016

Currently 2/22

The last few months I have been doing a "Currently" post.  It is fun for me to think about my week. To open up, and show bits and pieces of my daily thoughts, and life.  I'm linking up with Becky from Choose Happy.

Week....Honestly, I've lived a pretty boring life all week.  Went to the zoo and just had normal daily life after that!  

Creating....A birthday cake.  I ended up creating my own design but it turned out cute.  More later on how to make your own airplane cake!

Packing...Heading to Leadership in Orlando this week.  Excited to have some 80 degree weather and hopefully some good old Vitamin D!

Little things...Today little things make my day, like a freshly made bed!

Verse for the week....

Click on the button below to see what others are Currently up to also!

1 comment:

  1. I agree- Sometimes boring is good!!!! We need more boring in our world! Thank you so much for joining my Currently Link Up! Have a great week & Choose Happy! XOXO Becky
